No enough items mod 1.7.10
No enough items mod 1.7.10

no enough items mod 1.7.10

ItemList is no longer regenerated from the ItemRegistry on every inventory load.Utility/Cheat buttons line up and wrap based on GUI size.Item Subsets menu is only available if bookmarks are not visible.

no enough items mod 1.7.10

Bookmarks! What are you in the process of crafting? Bookmark it using either 'A' or configure your own key.A textbox for search with most of the features you'd expect - moving forward, backwards, selection, etc.More Speed: Loads the recipe handlers in parallel.Speed : Uses a parallel stream to search the item list over multiple cores, resulting in 2-6x faster searches on average, also.Every effort has been made to maintain backwards compatibility, however the focus is on the mods contained in the GTNH modpack. We've tested this against all of the mods included in GTNH, as well as a limited set of other mods (like Reika's mods). A continuation of NotEnoughItems for 1.7.10 by the developers of Gregtech: New Horizons modpack, with features either inspired and/or backported from JustEnoughItems

No enough items mod 1.7.10